Diversity Corner - September Edition: Hispanic Heritage Month
Bellann Morales Hyten of Denton LULAC Council #4366
Recently, while attending a local event, I used the word “Hispanic” to describe myself. A person at the table challenged me, asking “Where is Hispanic? I don’t see a place called Hispanic when I look at a map.” It’s a fair question and I imagine non-Hispanics and Hispanics alike have wondered the same. On the eve of Hispanic Heritage Month, I thought it would be a good time to briefly describe its origin.
My challenger was correct. There is no place on a map called “Hispanic”. It’s a recent invention and technically, the term has served its purpose: to categorize a group of people for tracking census data and improving public policy and economic conditions for citizens of Spanish-speaking origin. Simply put, it’s a government word.
Today, it is a word that we, Hispanics, use because we know you’ll understand it. More recently, some communities prefer “Latino” or “Latinx” – but don’t worry, it doesn’t need to be complicated. Ask us and we’ll tell you what we each prefer to be called. While diverse and made up of many cultures within this community, we know there is strength in numbers and by banding together, we can help all Americans with improved public policies. What we want you to know is that in addition to being bilingual and bicultural, we’re also ambi-cultural. This means we easily switch back and forth between the different cultures.
Hispanic Heritage Month is from September 15th and lasts until October 15th. This is a time to celebrate the histories, cultures, and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America. Many of these countries also celebrate their own Independence Day during this time. If you’d like to join us in local festivities, see below:
Dedication by the City of Denton of the G. Roland Vela Soccer Complex, Saturday, September 18th at 10 a.m. 3801 N. Elm, Denton
Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration sponsored by DENTON LULAC Council #4366. There will be guest speakers, dancing, and other events during the morning at Martin Luther King Recreation on October 9th starting at 10 a.m., 1300 Wilson Street, Denton
In celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month this article is contributed by Bellann Morales Hyten of Denton LULAC Council #4366 an organization dedicated to advance the economic condition, educational attainment, political influence, housing, health, and civil rights of the Hispanic population of the United States. Bellann is also a Denton Chamber member and serves on the Denton Chamber DEI Committee. To learn more about LULAC, contact president Alfredo Sanchez at lulac4366@gmail.com.