policy priorities

The mission of the Denton Chamber of Commerce is
The Denton Chamber, on behalf of its members and affiliates, will pursue a pro‐growth agenda that will establish an environment that encourages entrepreneurship, workforce and economic development that enhances the community. The Denton Chamber is committed to focusing on issues and priorities that foster a favorable business community and job growth in the region including streamlining processes. The Denton Chamber of Commerce will take a “long-term” perspective in all our advocacy efforts.
The Denton Chamber’s Policy Priorities are:
Denton must continue to be a leader in the State of Texas in developing the critical infrastructure to attract, grow and retain quality jobs. That leadership requires maintaining the financial resources to be competitive in the global environment through the Office of Economic Development and its partnering agencies and the Texas Enterprise Fund and other state incentive programs. We will advocate for policies that preserve and enhance a business-friendly environment for businesses of every size and pursue partnerships with regional workforce developers to find workforce solutions. We recognize that our service area has a distinct competitive advantage in having a healthy, educated and readily available workforce due to our higher education institutions and our excellent public schools. We are committed to marketing those resources and optimizing that workforce's training to meet the needs of the business now and as those needs change in real-time.
In order to keep Denton in a competitive position to attract and retain talent for 21st century jobs, the Denton Chamber will be a leader in working with both K‐12 and higher education partners to expand high-quality Career and Technical Education (CTE) opportunities. We support measures that encourage non-traditional students to complete their education and obtain workforce skills and provide flexible pathways and increased financial aid for students attending four-year higher education institutions. We support a process of increased input from the business community with regards to curriculum development, that trains students for current and future workforce needs.
The Denton Chamber supports healthcare initiatives that provide access to quality services and adequate funding to meet the various needs of the community. We will promote policies supporting market-based healthcare solutions that increase access and choice of healthcare programs; and support eliminating state and federal mandated benefits that significantly increase cost to employers and employees. The Denton Chamber also supports expansion of graduate medical education in our community, advanced education opportunities in nursing and health professional careers, and collaborative advanced healthcare certification models.
Natural resources are a vital component of a thriving community. We advocate for appropriate oversight of these resources and encourage conservation to ensure they remain sustainable. The availability of a reliable water resources is a key issue for communities to maintain job and population growth. Also, of significant importance is a quality airshed. We support responsible polices and projects that increase the quantity and quality of clean water and air for the city and the region to further economic growth. Denton must continue to develop long‐term and short‐term strategies for securing and protecting these natural resources.
Tourism is a key economic driver in Denton and establishing Denton as a tourist-friendly market is essential. The Denton Chamber encourages and directs Discover Denton in their efforts to expand destination marketing and build a tourism base. In addition, the Denton Chamber will encourage the development and improvement of facilities that enhance the city’s efforts to expand destination marketing as an effective economic development strategy.
Transportation needs are growing as rapidly as our regional population. The Denton Chamber supports innovative technology and solutions to mobility, as well as adequate investment in the maintenance and enhancements of our current transportation system. We will continue to advocate for multi-agency collaboration and for transportation planning and spending policies to be made at the local and regional levels.
Federal, state and local government should maintain and develop a high-quality public infrastructure system. Emphasis must be placed on adequately designing, constructing and maintaining a growth-managed public infrastructure (roads, rail, water, sewer, drainage, power and energy, public transit, public park systems and public facilities), which is cost-effective yet provides the highest possible level of service to residential and commercial sectors of the greater Denton Area. The effort to develop and maintain reliable public infrastructure is necessary to attract and sustain desired economic additions to the area. Additionally, Federal, state and local governments should prepare master plans, policies and regulations for the sustainability and growth of the community that support and encourage the development community to provide reliable private infrastructure for housing, office, business, commerce, recreation, entertainment, tourism, education, and communication.
The Denton Chamber believes government at all levels should be efficient. However, government organizations are also responsible for developing strategies to accommodate growth and stability. While the government should aim to limit taxes and government regulations when possible, investing in business growth is critical to our region. Any regulatory change that adversely impacts business should be pursued only as a last resort after all free market solutions have been tried and only after a reasonable cost/benefit analysis shows economic growth will not be adversely affected.