Ribbon Cutting & Groundbreaking Ceremony

Commemorate a Special Occasion
We are proud to help Denton businesses celebrate their special occasion with a Ribbon Cutting or Groundbreaking Ceremony.
To get you started, view the 6 Steps to a Successful Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
To request a ceremony, review our requirements and submit your application
As you prepare, be aware that we have some requirements!
for chamber members
Your company must be a member in good standing at the Business BUILDER level or higher. If you are in the process of joining the Chamber, your event cannot be scheduled until your membership investment is received in full.
Ceremonies can be added à la carte for $300 if you are at the MicroENTERPRISE level, or if you would like to hold an additional ceremony at a later time.
Non-chamber members can also celebrate a ribbon cutting ceremony! This is an excellent opportunity for businesses without a local presence who cannot be actively involved in the Chamber. The cost for this is $1,000.
Qualifying Occasion
You may request a ceremony if you are:
Newly opened within the last 12 months;
Completing a major remodel, relocation, or expansion of business at your primary location; or
Observing a “milestone anniversary“ (10, 25, 50 years, etc.).
Branches, subsidiaries, satellite offices, and secondary locations are considered separate from a member’s main office and must have their own membership in the Chamber.
scheduling your event
Ceremonies are conducted by Ambassadors, our dedicated volunteers. To ensure their availability and participation, we only schedule these events at 11:00 AM or 4:00 PM, Tuesday - Thursday. We appreciate the time and effort our Ambassadors put into making these events successful.
Events must be scheduled with us at least four weeks in advance to allow time to coordinate with our volunteers and other invitees. The Chamber will only schedule one ceremony event on any given date. Service is provided on a first come, first served basis.
To minimize the potential for conflict, do not schedule your event around other community events – this can reduce turnout for yours.

Things You Need
This is your event - but to make it successful, you should consider various ways to maximize its value!
Setting the Date
Chamber Ambassadors will conduct your ceremony at times our volunteers are able to attend (Tuesday - Thursday, at 11:00 AM or 4:00 PM); we do not attend on weekends, holidays, or when the Chamber office is closed. Check calendars in advance to avoid scheduling conflicts. These may include:
Denton Chamber of Commerce events
Major & minor holidays
Local academic or athletic events
Community events & festivals
Local school & university graduations
Local, state, and national elections
Due to the high demand of ribbon cuttings, the Chamber will need a four week notice to schedule a ribbon cutting.
Choosing a Location
Determine your venue. Your grand opening, ribbon cutting, or groundbreaking event is a great opportunity to bring people together.
If outdoors, create a backup plan for inclement weather. Groundbreakings can be done indoors, if necessary.
Chamber members without a physical business location may opt to have their event hosted at the Chamber office, a public venue, or other suitable alternative.
You are responsible for ALL external promotion of your event. We encourage you to invite anyone who is supportive of your business including:
Vendors and suppliers
Key customers and prospects
Neighboring businesses
Special dignitaries
Key business and government representatives including city council members, county commissioners, or state senators
Make it Special
Impress your guests and make it worth their while.
Catering should be simple and easy to enjoy. We recommend reaching out to a Chamber Member restaurant or caterer.
Your guests will expect to be entertained while you have their attention. You may want to consider giveaways, door prizes, and/or raffle items. If your business location supports it, consider giving your guests tours behind the scenes.
Denton also supports and appreciates a wide variety of musical talent.
prepare remarks
You are celebrating and inviting a lot of people. Consider what you would like to say to them while you have them. Let them know why you are celebrating and introduce them to your business and employees. This is an opportunity to share your passion, provide insight into who you are, and what your business can do.

What We Provide
Note: Your event must first meet the eligibility requirements.
Chamber Representation
A staff member and Chamber Ambassadors will be in attendance to support your event and conduct the ceremony.
chamber Supplies
The Denton Chamber is happy to provide you with:
ceremonial scissors, ribbon, and/or shovels
plaque for Chamber Members
Chamber Ambassadors' business cards
chamber Publicity
Your ceremony is added to our online calendar. From there, it can be featured in various electronic communications, printed publications, and/or media channels depending on availability and scheduling.
Ready to